A digital lab report differs from a classical one due to digital technologies and various tech tools. Students use them to document and store all the information about the experiment — the input data, the measurements, the process of the experiment itself, and all their observations and comments.
They can use all kinds of media files to depict their results — from images and charts to videos and audio recordings. In this article, together with the Write My Lab Report writing service, we will help you figure out how to deal with digital lab reports when you are short on time.
What does a digital lab report include?
The digital lab report has already become more convenient than a classical paper variant. Students have all the necessary information in one place and can easily compile it into a report. In addition, it’s faster to organize all the analytical data digitally than using old-school paper and pen.
Moreover, it’s easier to share your findings with others by sending them to an email or uploading them to the academic base. However, working on a digital laboratory report requires a different approach and workflow, not the one traditional scientists are used to.
How to write a digital lab report in one day?
Writing a lab report in one day is a manageable task if you follow our advice. You should have all the records concerning your experiment — materials, measurements, your actions, and results. Using these, you can easily compile a report with any text editor available to you.
Let’s look at what you need to work on when creating your lab report.
The title introduces the reader to the essence of the experiment. We suggest writing a title that is no longer than one line. Try to make a list of keywords that perfectly describe your experiment and use the most significant ones in your title.
This section should briefly describe your entire experiment and the result. You can also mention in this section the materials and methods you used during your study. The abstract should interest the reader and introduce them to the study.
Try to keep the introduction to one or two paragraphs where you describe the objectives of your lab work. Then, you introduce the reader to the hypothesis you want to prove. You should also mention the relevance and significance of your lab work; in other words, you should explain why you need to do this research.
This section should list all the materials and equipment you need to experiment with. You should provide only truthful information so that the reader can get the same results as you.
This section is a kind of instruction for the reader if they decide to repeat the experiment after you. You should clearly and understandably spell out all of the steps involved in performing the study. It would help if you used language that your target audience would understand.
Are these people familiar with scientific terminology, or is it better to explain complex words and constructions to them? For example, in a digital lab report, it is very convenient to design everything visually so that the reader can understand how to proceed to achieve the desired result – for example, you can add an illustration of your experimental setup or a diagram of how to assemble it.
This section is best arranged in tables, charts, and diagrams. This information includes all of the numerical values that you obtained as you performed your study and as a result. You don’t have to interpret them.
Describe what you accomplished with your experiments.
Discussion or Analysis
For convenience, it is common for students to combine Data and this section because you analyze and explain the meaning of the data you obtained. In this section, you determine if you were able to prove your hypothesis. If not, you must analyze why you failed, what mistakes you made, and how to avoid them. Finally, even if you are happy with the study results, you can provide comments on how to make them better.
This section should not take up much time or space. A single paragraph will be enough. Then, you summarize your research, write again about the success or failure regarding your hypothesis and what impact your experiment and its results have.
Drawings and graphs
Additional visual elements can be organized into a separate section and refer to it in the text or insert a visual within it. It is very easy to do in a digital lab report. We remind you that you can use video, animation, and audio files in this type of report.
In the last section, you must provide a list of all the sources you used while writing your report. Again, be careful and remember to check with your instructor about the citation style you should use.
Time management tips for writing a digital lap report in one day
Set a deadline for each task
Break down writing your report into steps and schedule how much time you need to complete each step. For example, do task A by 10 AM, task B by lunch, and task C by the end of the day. Setting deadlines will help you get everything done on time and not get distracted by other activities.
Reward yourself
The idea of rewarding yourself at the end of each task is something that keeps your purpose and spirit thriving.
If you want to buy a new pair of shoes, you can throw a dollar in the jar every time you complete a task. Then, you can continue the process until the money is received.
Don’t multitask
Multitasking seems like a great way to get everything done at once. But studies have shown that our brains aren’t as good at multitasking as we’d like to think they are. Some researchers suggest that multitasking can reduce productivity by 40%.
In reality, you’re shifting your attention and focus from one thing to another, which can cause loss of concentration and brain blocks.