Zip Code 99801 in Juneau, Juneau City and Borough, Alaska, AK

  • Zip Code 99801 in the United States belongs to the state Alaska which is in the county of Juneau City and Borough. The area code for 99801 is 907 and the latitude and longitudes are 58.58 and -134.77.
Zip Code Details

Zip code details includes city, state, county, country, etc.

  • Zip Code
  • Zip Type
  • City
  • County
    Juneau City and Borough
  • State
  • Country
    United States
Additional Zipcode Details

Additional zipcode details includes latitude, longitude, timezone, area code, etc.

  • Time Zone
  • Area Code
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Total Population
  • Zip Code Summary
    99801, AK, US
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Population Distribution for Zip Code 99801

Population distributions based on gender and the age for the zip code 99801.


More details about the zipcode 99801

What is the area code for 99801?

Area code of 99801 is 907.

What type of zip code is 99801?

Zip Code 99801 is STANDARD type.

In which county zip code 99801 belongs?

Zip code 99801 belongs to the Juneau City and Borough county.

What is the state name of the zip code 99801?

The name of the state where zip code 99801 belongs to is, Alaska and the state code is AK

What is the primary city of Zip code 99801?

The primary city name of zip code 99801 is Juneau

What are the geographical latitude and longitude of the zip code 99801?

The latitude and longitude of the zip code 99801 are 58.58 and -134.77 respectively.

What is the time zone of the zip code 99801?

The timezone of the zip code 99801 is America/Juneau.

Where is the zip code 99801?

99801 is the primary zip code of the city Juneau, Juneau City and Borough, United States.

How to find the correct location of zip code 99801?

You can use the map for the zip code 99801 to easily find the correct location.

What County is 99801?

99801 is in the county Juneau City and Borough.

Area code of 99801?

907 area code for zipcode 99801.

What is the population of zip code 99801?

The approximate population at the zip code 99801 is 29164.

Quick Links for the zip codes from the state Alaska